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Use this page to help you revise for exams or just to practise your skills! All content is for the IBDP English A: Language & Literature course (2021)

IBDP English A 

Student Resources


IBDP English A: L&L

Use this guide sheet to help you understand how to approach and answer the comparative question on Paper 2.


IBDP English A: L&L

Use this guide sheet to help you understand how to analyse non-literary texts. Useful for Paper 1.


IBDP English A: L&L

Example paper 1 - SL


IBDP English A: L&L

Use this guide sheet to help you understand how to approach and answer this exam paper.


IBDP English A: L&L

Example Paper (SL). This paper is discussed in the video tutorial on how to analyse a magazine article.


IBDP English A: L&L

Example paper 1 - HL

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